Commentators N-Z
Robert E. Neighbour:  Love is kind: It is ever seeking to work good in behalf of others. It knows how to heap coals of fire on the head of an enemy.

W. Robertson Nicoll:  chre-sTEUetai: A verb perhaps of Paul’s coining--plays the part of a chre-sTOS (benignus), one who renders gracious, well-disposed service to others (Trench, Synonyms, section 63): Paul associates makrothyMIa and chre-sTOte-s repeatedly.

Jose L.S. Nogales:  El amor es amable (khresteúe-tai). Tiene aptitud para vivir honradamente, con bondad, fiel a quienes ama, compasivo, misericordioso, dotado para obsequiarse permanentemente. La amabilidad se eleva a la calidad de lo sublime cuando educa al amor para ser feliz viviendo así. La valentía espiritual es el cimiento de este estilo vital del amor. Y, además, es el único modo de amar desde la paz, sin tener que cargar con la vergüenza de ser el único en ser feliz, mientras otros son desventurados.

Matthew Poole:  And is kind: It disposeth a man to desire to deserve well of all, and to do good to all, as he hath occasion and opportunity; so as it is impossible there should be in a man any thing more opposite to this grace, than a currish, churlish temper, with a study and desire to do others mischief.

Ray Pritchard:  Second, love is kind. The word means something like “sweet usefulness.” Love is quick to help others and eager to reach out to those in need. Perhaps you’ve seen this famous quote: “I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it, or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

Mark Twain called kindness “a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can read.” He was absolutely right. Everyone can understand the language of love. It is truly the universal language, comprehended by people from every nation, by the rich and the poor, by the old and the young, by both male and female. Kindness is a universal language for it does not speak to the intellect, but directly to the heart.

In one of his news reports, Paul Harvey told about a man named Carl Coleman who was driving to work when a woman motorist, passing too close, snagged his fender with hers. Both cars stopped. The young woman surveying the damage was in tears. It was her fault, she admitted. But it was a new car-less than two days from the showroom. How was she ever going to face her husband? Mr. Coleman was sympathetic but explained they must note each other’s license number and automobile registration. The woman reached into the glove compartment of her car to retrieve the documents in an envelope. And on the first paper to tumble out, in a heavy masculine scrawl, were these words: “In case of accident, remember, Honey, it’s you I love, not the car.”

Ron Ritchie:  The love of Jesus is expressed in kindness. He had a lifestyle on earth filled with graciousness and acts of kindness to men, women, and children, saints and sinners. He continues to express that kindness (courtesy) to his children and to the world (1 Peter 1:3-5).

A. T. Robertson:  {Is kind} (cresteuetai). From crestos (useful, gracious, kind) and that from craomai, to use. Not found elsewhere save in Clement of Rome and Eusebius. "Perhaps of Paul's coining" (Findlay). Perhaps a vernacular word ready for Paul. Gentle in behavior.

Hamilton Smith:  Love “is kind”: The flesh, even if it waits, will often do so in a fretful and resentful spirit; but love, while waiting, can retain a kindly spirit of consideration for others.

Richard L. Strauss:  “Love is kind.” This is the positive side of the first principle. Patience refrains from reacting to provocation, while kindness finds constructive ways of doing good for the ones we love no matter how they have acted. Kindness is showing appreciation for little things we like and saying so with sincere commendation. Some husbands or wives cannot recall the last compliment they received from their spouses.

Kindness is a helping hand, and that goes for husbands as well as wives. Kindness is a tone of voice, an approving look or smile. Some husbands and wives seldom speak kindly to each other. They know how to speak in pleasant tones to other people, but they growl at each other. Try the kindness check at your house for awhile. Whenever you say something to your mate that elicits a negative response, ask yourself, “Was that kind?” If it wasn’t, confess it to God, apologize to your mate, and trust God for the grace to be kind. It may work wonders in your marriage.

Urijah R. Thomas:  Like the last word, this is one in frequent use by our apostle. He employs it —

  1. As an avowal of his own attitude to men.
  2. As an injunction to others.
  3. As a description of God.
The thing he here indicates is rather the fragrance of the whole flower of love than any one of its petals, the lustre of the entire diamond rather than any one of its facets. Kindness is —
  1. A CHARM OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. The word is a beautiful word, and is the expression of a beautiful grace; sometimes being rendered gentleness, goodness — in the Rheims' version-benignity. It is not simply a manner, but a moral loveliness that shines through all manner.
  2. AN OBLIGATION OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. It is not an ornament to be worn at option, but the constant garb of our life, not a work of supererogation, but a necessary, essential, and elemental duty.

R. A. Torrey:  Is kind. (Nehemiah 9:17; Proverbs 19:22; Proverbs 31:20; Proverbs 31:26; Luke 6:35, 36; Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:12; 1 Peter 3:8; 2 Peter 1:7; 1 John 3:16-18; 4:11)

Bill Turner:  Chresteuetai: the present middle of chresteuomai, to be gentle, benign, and kind in behaviour and service to others; from chrestos, useful, kind, gracious, gentle (like Christ's yoke in Mt. 11:30.). Origen says it means, "Sweet to all ." Though chrestos occurs elsewhere, (Mt. 11:30; Lk. 5:39; 6:35; Rom. 2:4; 1 Cor. 15:33; Eph. 4:32; 1 Pet. 2:3), chresteuomai only appears here in the New Testament, it speaks of a gracious, kind and gentle behaviour. Love not only suffers long with people who are a trial to its patience, it is kind to them and does them good in a positive manner. The present tense again shows the continuous nature and habit of this constructive kindness.

Unknown:  Longsuffering and kindness: Dr. M'Crie, in his life of the late Sir Andrew Agnew, M.P., says:

"We were speaking one day of the difficulty of confessing Christ before the world. It was affecting to hear Sir Andrew acknowledge this difficulty, who had borne Christ's reproach so manfully in all places. He told me, that when he first began to take up the cause of the Sabbath, there were many worldly men who disliked him so much that they seemed anxious to stare him out of their company, and that he had felt this particularly at the New Club. One honourable baronet, not satisfied with this species of annoyance, when he saw that Sir Andrew had courage enough to despise it, and to frequent the club regularly every day notwithstanding, began speaking at him, and acting as rudely as he could towards him.

"One morning Sir Andrew was waiting for his breakfast at the club, when the baronet to whom I allude came in, apparently in great agitation. Sir Andrew, perceiving this, asked him if anything was wrong; to which he replied that his lady had last night had an attack of paralysis, and that she was dangerously ill. Sir Andrew said he felt for him sincerily, and expressed his sympathy warmly.

"Next morning he met him again with his two sons, who had come to see their mother, and he asked for Lady — with much interest. The answer was that he had been sitting up with her all night, and that she was no better. Ultimately, however, she did recover; and on one occasion afterwards, the baronet referred to came up to Sir Andrew, and with feeling that did him great honour, said, 'Sir Andrew, there are many people who like to laugh at you and abuse you, because of your Sabbath principles, and I confess that I have been among the number, but I trust I shall never so far forget myself again.'"

Bob Utley:  "es bondadoso (sufrido)": Este VERBO (INDICATIVO PRESENTE ACTIVO) implica tener paciencia y no tomar represalias con la gente (cf. Proverbios 19:11; Santiago 5:7-8) que actúan de manera injusta para con nosotros. Es uno de los frutos del Espíritu (cf. Gálatas 5:22). Es una característica divina (cf. Romanos 2:4; 9:22). Esto (el SUSTANTIVO) debe caracterizar a los creyentes de la Nueva Eraarraigada en el Espíritu de Dios (cf. Colosenses 1:11).

Marvin R. Vincent:  Is kind (chre-stEUetai): Only here in the New Testament. See on chre-stOS, KJV, easy, Matt. 11:30, and chre-stOTe-s good, Rom. 3:12.

"The high charity which makes us servants
Prompt to the counsel which controls the world."
(DANTE, "Paradiso," xxi, 70, 71)

John Wesley, Sermon 22:  And in every step toward this desirable end, the "overcoming evil with good," "love is kind:" (chre-stEUetai, a word not easily translated:) It is soft, mild, benign. It stands at the utmost distance from moroseness, from all harshness or sourness of spirit; and inspires the sufferer at once with the most amiable sweetness, and the most fervent and tender affection.

John Wesley, Sermon 139:  “Love is kind”: Whosoever feels the love of God and man shed abroad in his heart, feels an ardent and uninterrupted thirst after the happiness of all his fellow-creatures. His soul melts away with the very fervent desire which he hath continually to promote it; and out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. In his tongue is the law of kindness. The same is impressed on all his actions. The flame within is continually working itself away, and spreading abroad more and more, in every instance of good-will to all with whom he hath to do. So that whether he thinks or speaks, or whatever he does, it all points to the same end, - the advancing, by every possible way, the happiness of all his fellow-creatures. Deceive not, therefore, your own souls: He who is not thus kind, hath not love.

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Words from the Greek
Word:  chrematist
    One who studies wealth; a political economist.
  • FreeDictionary:
    A person whose chief goal in life is the gaining of wealth.

Word:  chrematistic [kree-muh-TIST-ick]

    Of, denoting, or relating to money-making.
  • Phrontistery:
    Of, like or pertaining to the pursuit of wealth or to business.

Word:  chrematistics

  • FreeDictionary:
    The science of wealth; the science, or a branch of the science, of political economy.
  • Phrontistery:
    The study of wealth; political economy.

Word:  chrematophobia

    A fear of money, wealth.
  • FreeDictionary:
    An abnormal fear or dislike of money.
  • Phrontistery:
    Fear of money.

Word:  chreotechnics

  • FreeDictionary:
    The science of the useful arts, esp. agriculture, manufactures, and commerce.
  • Phrontistery:
    Useful or practical trades or arts.

Word:  chresard [KRES-erd], plural, chresards

  • Collins:
    The amount of water present in the soil that is available to plants.
    The water in soil that is available to plants for absorption.

Word:  chrestomathic, chrestomathical

  • Phrontistery:
    Of, like or pertaining to useful knowledge.

Word:  chrestomathy [kres-TOM-uh-thee], plural, chrestomathies

    A collection of selected literary passages, often by one author and especially from a foreign language.
  • FreeDictionary:
    • A selection of literary passages, usually by one author.
    • An anthology used in studying a language.
  • Oxford:
    A selection of passages from an author or authors, designed to help in learning a language.
  • Phrontistery:
    Anthology of passages used in learning languages.
Word: kind


  • Your Dictionary:
    The definition of kind is warm, generous or sympathetic.
  • Webster's New World College Dictionary:
    • sympathetic, friendly, gentle, tenderhearted, generous, etc.
    • cordial: kind regards
    • ARCHAIC loving; affectionate
    • OBSOLETE natural; native
    Origin of kind: ME kynde < OE gecynde
  • American Heritage:
    kind-er, kind-est
    • Having or showing a friendly, generous, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature.
    • Agreeable or beneficial: a dry climate kind to asthmatics.
    Origin of kind: Middle English kinde, natural, kind, from Old English gecynde, natural.
  • Wiktionary:
    (comparative kinder, superlative kindest)
    • Affectionate, showing benevolence.
      a kind man; a kind heart
    • Favorable.
    • Mild, gentle, forgiving.
      The years have been kind to Richard Gere; he ages well.
    • Gentle; tractable; easily governed.
      a horse kind in harness
    Origin: From Old English cynde (“innate, natural, native”), gecynde, from cynd.
For "kind", from Historical Thesaurus of English:
  • goodful c1205(2)
  • blitheful a1300 + a1300
  • friendsome a1300–1375
  • kind a1300– also fig.
  • gain a1310–1508
  • kind to c1315–
  • benign c1320–
  • propice a1325–1609 + 1656
  • bein c1325
  • well-willy c1374–c1449 + 1808– dial.
  • homely c1375–c1470 + 1867
  • charitable c1386–1634
  • well-meaning 1387/8–
  • well-willing to/towards 1390–
  • well-willed 1398–1598 + 1891– Scots
  • willy c1403–1483
  • well-willed to/unto/that 1417–1523 + 1871 Scots
  • honeyed/honied 1435 + 1639
  • propitious 1447–
  • well(-)disposed 1455–
  • affectuous 1460
  • benigned 1470
  • well-meaned c1470 Scots
  • benevolous 1470–a1670
  • benevolent 1482–
  • favourous c1485
  • humane c1500–1784
  • warm-hearted 1500/20–
  • well-minded 1522–1651
  • beneficial 1526–1658
  • favo(u)rable 1530–1642
  • benignate 1533
  • beneficious 1535–1610
  • well(-)given 1535–c1611
  • affected 1535–1690
  • kind-hearted 1535–
  • affectioned 1539–1640
  • affectionate 1543–1671
  • figgy 1548
  • well affected 1553/87–1832
  • well-natured 1561–a1721 + 1759– Scots & dial.
  • officious 1565–1827–
  • kindly 1570–
  • good-natured 1577–
  • affectionated 1578–1722
  • partial c1585–
  • well-inclined a1586–
  • favouring 1586–
  • well-wishing 1597–
  • well-intentioned 1598–
  • fair 1603
  • graceful 1606
  • beneficent 1616–
  • open-hearted a1617–
  • candid 1633–1800
  • benefic 1641 + 1873–1876
  • well-hearted 1766–
  • benignant a1782–
  • heart-warm 1787–1834
  • well-meant 1849
  • sweet-hearted 1850–
  • sunbeamy 1890

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