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Henry Alford: synchairei te- ale-theia] Most commentators, as the EV, altogether overlook the force of the verb and the altered construction, and render, �rejoiceth in the truth:� others, who respect the verb, make te- ale-theia = tois eudokimousi (Chrys.), those to whom, as in 3 John 1:12, memartyre-tai hyp' aute-s te-s ale-theias. But Meyer�s rendering is the only one which preserves the force of both words: rejoices with the Truth, te- ale-theia being personified, and meaning especially the spread among men (as opposed to adikia) of the Truth of the Gospel, and indeed of the truth in general -- in opposition to those who (ref. Rom.) te-n ale-theian en adikia katechousi -- who (ref. 2 Tim.) anthistantai te- ale-theia. Thomas Aquinas: In regard to his neighbor man does the good ... by rejoicing in his good. In regard to this he says: it rejoices in the truth, namely, of the neighbor or of life or doctrine or justice, inasmuch as he loves his neighbor as himself: �I rejoice greatly to find some of your children following the truth� (2 Jn. v. 4). William Barclay: Love rejoices with the truth. That is not so easy as it sounds. There are times when we definitely do not want the truth to prevail; and there are still more times when the last thing that we wish to hear is the truth. Christian love has no wish to veil the truth; it is brave enough to face the truth; it has nothing to conceal and so is glad when the truth prevails. Barnes & Murphy: Rejoiceth in the truth - The word �truth� here stands opposed to �iniquity,� and means virtue, piety, goodness. It does not rejoice in the �vices,� but in the �virtues� of others. It is pleased, it rejoices when they �do well.� It is pleased when those who differ from us conduct themselves in any manner in such a way as to please God, and to advance their own reputation and happiness. They who are under the influence of that love rejoice that good is done, and the truth defended and advanced, whoever may be the instrument; rejoice that others are successful in their plans of doing good, though they do not act with us; rejoice that other people have a reputation well earned for virtue and purity of life, though they may differ from us in opinion, and may be connected with a different denomination. They do not rejoice when other denominations of Christians fall into error; or when their plans are blasted; or when they are calumniated, and oppressed, and reviled. By whomsoever good is done, or wheresoever, it is to them a matter of rejoicing; and by whomsoever evil is done, or wheresoever, it is to them a matter of grief; see Phil. 1:14-18. The �reason� of this is, that all sin, error, and vice will ultimately ruin the happiness of anyone; and as love desires their happiness, it desires that they should walk in the ways of virtue, and is grieved when they do not. What a change would the prevalence of this feeling produce in the conduct and happiness of mankind! How much ill-natured joy would it repress at the faults of others? How much would it do to repress the pains which a man often takes to circulate reports disadvantageous to his adversary; to find out and establish some flaw in his character; to prove that he has said or done something disgraceful and evil! And how much would it do even among Christians, in restraining them from rejoicing at the errors, mistakes, and improprieties of the friends of revivals of religion, and in leading them to mourn over their errors in secret, instead of taking a malicious pleasure in promulgating them to the world! This would be a very different world if there were none to rejoice in iniquity; and the church would be a different church if there were none in its bosom but those who rejoiced in the truth, and in the efforts of humble and self-denying piety. John Albert Bengel: synchairei, rejoiceth with) congratulates, with joy. All truth cherishes joy. Joseph Benson: But rejoiceth in the truth -- Good in general is its glory and joy, wherever diffused through the world; while it brings forth its proper fruit, holiness of heart and life, with constancy and perseverance. Alan Carr: V. 6 Rejoiceth In The Truth - While love hates all forms of evil, it loves the truth! It rejoices when truth is proclaimed and when truth wins the victory. Love is glad for the truth, even when the truth hurts. Love is glad when truth wins the day! Adam Clarke: But rejoiceth in the truth] alhqeia? Every thing that is opposite to falsehood and irreligion. Those who are filled with the love of God and man rejoice in the propagation and extension of Divine truth-in the spread of true religion, by which alone peace and good will can be diffused throughout the earth. And because they rejoice in the truth, therefore they do not persecute nor hinder true religion, but help it forward with all their might and power. Stephen J. Cole: These qualities are the flip side of one another. Moffatt puts it, �Love is never glad when others go wrong.� To rejoice in the truth means to be glad about behavior in accordance with the truth of God's Word. If someone you don�t like falls into sin, you don�t gloat; you grieve, because God is grieved over sin. If they repent, you rejoice. There is a fine balance to love. Although love is kind and overlooks the faults of others, it does not compromise the truth or take a soft view of sin. To allow another person to go on in sin, whether it is known sin or a blind spot, is not to seek his best; it is not love. Love will sensitively confront and correct precisely because it cares deeply and knows that sin destroys. Love rejoices with the truth. Love gets excited when it hears of spiritual victories. Love encourages by expressing joy over little evidences of growth. John, the apostle of love, wrote, �I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth� (3 John 4). F.C. Cook: Rejoices with a holy joy in the triumph of the Truth of God: has a fellow-feeling of joy with the absolute Truth, as it comes to historic view in the actions of good men. Henry Drummond: I have called this Sincerity from the words rendered in the Authorized Version by "rejoiceth in the truth." And, certainly, were this the real translation, nothing could be more just; for he who loves will love Truth not less than men. He will rejoice in the Truth -- rejoice not in what he has been taught to believe; not in this church's doctrine or in that; not in this ism or in that ism; but "in the Truth." He will accept only what is real; he will strive to get at facts; he will search for Truth with a humble and unbiased mind, and cherish whatever he finds at any sacrifice. But the more literal translation of the Revised Version calls for just such a sacrifice for truth's sake here. For what Paul really meant is, as we there read, "Rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with the truth," a quality which probably no one English word -- and certainly not Sincerity -- adequately defines. It includes, perhaps more strictly, the self-restraint which refuses to make capital out of others' faults; the charity which delights not in exposing the weakness of others, but "covereth all things"; the sincerity of purpose which endeavors to see things as they are, and rejoices to find them better than suspicion feared or calumny denounced. Joseph Exell: The best construction possible is put upon everything. Exell & Spence: Rejoiceth in the truth; rather, with the truth. There are many who "resist the truth" (2 Timothy 3:8); or who "hold the truth in unrighteousness" (Romans 1:18); but love accepts it, keeps it pure, exults in all its triumphs (Acts 11:23; 2 John 4). Lee Gatiss: [The Corinthians] are to rejoice not merely with the "good" but with the "truth"--wherever that truth is found, even in an "opposing" faction. Geneva Notes: Rejoices at righteousness in the righteous. For by "truth" the Hebrews mean "righteousness". John Gill: But rejoiceth in the truth; in the truth of the Gospel, and the success of it; such an one can do nothing against it, but for it, will buy it at any rate, but sell it upon no account whatever; and he rejoices greatly when he sees any walking in it, and agreeably to it; for truth, as it stands opposed to iniquity or unrighteousness, may signify an upright, holy, and righteous conversation, a conversation becoming the Gospel of Christ, which that teaches, and by which it is adorned; now a gracious soul desires this in itself, and delights to see it in others. John W. Gregson: "Rejoiceth in the truth (sugchairei aletheia) or rejoices with truth;... Those who have love in their hearts are never happy with unrighteousness or evil, for it is opposed to truth. ... It rejoices in the truth; it is happy when others are happy. "Our sources of news tell us that the public will lap up bad and unsavory news. Christian love finds no appeal or joy in this, but instead rejoices in the Lord, who is truth, and in every evidence of Him seen in others" (Sunday School Times, October 12, 1963, p. 9). Matthew Henry: It rejoiceth in the truth, is glad of the success of the gospel, commonly called the truth, by way of emphasis, in the New Testament; and rejoices to see men moulded into an evangelical temper by it, and made good. It takes no pleasure in their sins, but is highly delighted to see them do well, to approve themselves men of probity and integrity. It gives it much satisfaction to see truth and justice prevail among men, innocency cleared, and mutual faith and trust established, and to see piety and true religion flourish. Jamieson, Fausset, & Brown: rejoiceth in the truth--rather, "rejoiceth with the truth." ... but rejoices when the truth rejoices; sympathizes with it in its triumphs (2Jo 4). See the opposite (2Ti 3:8), "Resist the truth." So "the truth" and "unrighteousness" are contrasted (Ro 2:8). "The truth" is the Gospel truth, the inseparable ally of love (Eph 4:15; 2 Jo. 12). The false charity which compromises "the truth" by glossing over "iniquity" or unrighteousness is thus tacitly condemned (Pr 17:15). B.W. Johnson: but does rejoice with the truth in its triumphs. W. Phillip Keller: He and only He is truth. Without apology He stated emphatically, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me". (John 14:6) And that quality of joy which transcends the turmoil of our times, which stands calm and sure when all else is shaken around us, which reposes in strength and surety amid the disasters of our days, is founded in Our Father's love. The eternal truth that he is ever with us, enfolding us in His wondrous care is the ground of our joy. This is the stirring truth that makes our spirits sing in the darkest night. This love of God for us is the unshakable truth that enables us to face the greatest frustrations with firm courage. This love of Christ empowers us to carry on no matter what calamities cross our paths. Oh, the unchanging, unshakable stream of God's love that without diminution flows to us from the unbounded fountain of His own wondrous person and life! It has its source in Him. It finds its true fulfillment not in the world nor in men's ways, nor in the transient scenes of time, but in the truth that He is with us, His people, calling out a chosen church, bringing sons and daughters to the full glory of His own character. This is the great ongoing purpose of Our God. This is the eternal project He has for the planet. This is the supreme truth in which both he and we rejoice. (Read Eph. 1:3-10, Phillips.) ... We simply cannot love the world and revel in its wicked ways and also claim to love Christ who embodies all truth. ... We rejoice in the astounding beauty of mountains, oceans, forests, fields, birds on wing, flowers open to the sun and ten thousand other touches of His integrity and creativity in the earth. We rejoice in the grandeur of His grace and mercy and truth at work upon the spirits and souls of stubborn, wayward men. We rejoice in the strength of character and honesty of life displayed by His own followers determined to live for Him at any cost. ... To stand for truth may be to stand against the surging current of corruption that swirls around us. To revel in what is right may be to invite the contempt and ridicule of the majority. To be the purveyors of God's love and honesty may be to suffer loss and endure hardship in our society. So what? Did not the Master carefully alert us to the cost of walking in His way? Did he not tell us only a few would choose this path through life? We are not permanent residents of the planet. We are pilgrims passing through, headed for home. May our steps never become mired in the mud of the world's wretched paths. We can travel the high road of excellent, righteous conduct. Living in truth and integrity we can spend our few short years here in joy, love and laughter. Our pure delight is walking with Our Father's hand upon us all the way. Cornelius a Lapide: In the truth, not so much of speech and mind as of life, i.e., of righteousness. In other words, charity, when it sees its neighbors living justly and rightly and making advance, does not envy them, but rejoices and is glad, as though it were its own advance, as Anselm says from S. Gregory; for truth here is opposed to iniquity. Therefore truth here is equity, uprightness, righteousness. The Greeks understand it otherwise: Charity does not rejoice but grieves when it sees an enemy suffering anything wrongly or unjustly; and it rejoices in the truth if it sees his own given to him. Steve Lewis: But rejoices with the truth = to be glad or take pleasure in what is true and right. J.J. Lias: But rejoiceth in the truth] Better, as margin, and Vulgate, with the truth. Love rejoiceth with the victory of Truth in the world, and at the consequent decline of unrighteousness, which is the opposite of truth. Cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:10; 2 John 1:4. Heinrich Meyer: synCHAIrei de te- ale-THEIa] The aLE-theia is personified, and denotes the truth kat' exoCHE-N, the divine truth contained in the gospel, Colossians 1:5; Ephesians 1:13; Galatians 5:7; 2 Thessalonians 2:12-13; John 1:17. Love rejoices with the truth, has with it one common joy, and this is the most complete contrast to the CHAIrein ePI te- adiKIa; for to make morality prevail, is the ethical aim of the aLE-theia (2 Thessalonians 2:12; Romans 2:8), whose joy it is, therefore, when she is obeyed in disposition, speech, and action (1 Peter 1:22, hypaKON te-s aleTHEIas; and her companion in this joy is love. Usually aLE-theia has been understood of moral truth, i.e. morality, as in 1 Corinthians 5:8; either, with Theodoret, Flatt, and most interpreters: she rejoices over what is good, -- a rendering, however, from which we are debarred by the compound synCHAIrei; or, with Chrysostom: syNE-detai tois eudokiMOUsi, Billroth: �she rejoices with those who hold to the right,� R�ckert: �she rejoices with the man, who is saved to morality,� Osiander: �she rejoices with the heart, which is filled with the truth and with obedience towards it.� Thereby there is made an arbitrary change in the conception, according to which, in conformity with the antithesis, the dikaioSYne- (the opposite of the adiKIa) is not the subject, in fellowship with which love rejoices, but the object of this common joy; the subject with which love rejoices is the truth. According to Hofmann, the meaning of the passage is, that love has her joy withal, when the truth comes to its rights in that which befalls any one. But so also there is no sufficient justice done to the compound synCHAIrei, and the more precise definition, �in that which befalls any one,� is imported. Mark Heber Miller: (Love) rejoices with the truth. This phrase is variously rendered: KNX: rejoices at the victory of truth; WEY: joyfully sides with the truth; WMS: always glad when truth prevails; BECK: happy with the truth. Suppose we hear something evil about another, something slanderous, but later it is made clear that such an untruth was a lie or misunderstanding? If one harbors envy or jealousy there may be a tendency not to rejoice over this truth. Love causes one to rejoice that the real truth is made known, rather than seeking another untruth about the individual. Jose L.S. Nogales: El amor se alegra con la verdad (sunkhairei de te aletheia). La verdad, referida al ser humano, es la sinceridad del coraz�n. El amor goza tratando y compartiendo con alguien sincero que vive desde el coraz�n y con el coraz�n. El amor vive as�, con sencillez y transparencia, llevando siempre cuenta de que no se puede hacer da�o al amado, porque est� viviendo de coraz�n y da�arlo es causarle dolor en lo m�s �ntimo del ser. La verdad de cada ser est� en lo hondo y profundo del mismo. Matthew Poole: But he rejoiceth in all truth, and the success and prospering of truth in the world; or in the manifestation of any person�s truth, or innocency, and righteousness. Ray Pritchard: Love rejoices with the truth. This is the flip side of the previous phrase. Love takes joy in what is true and good and right and holy and pure. Love cheers whenever the truth wins out. It is glad to know that suspicions were unfounded. Love believes the best and is glad when the verdict is �Not guilty.� A.T. Robertson: But rejoiceth with the truth (sunchairei de te aletheia). Associative instrumental case after sun? in composition. Truth personified as opposed to unrighteousness (2 Thes. 2:12; Rom. 2:8). Love is on the side of the angels. Hamilton Smith: Love "rejoices with the truth". The flesh is unholy and can find pleasure in occupation with evil. Love is holy and finds its joy in being engaged with the truth. Love is not therefore blind, for it knows and appreciates the truth. Bill Turner: Love rejoices with the truth, it rejoices when the truth prevails. After a succession of powerful negative aspects of love, Paul turns again to the positive aspects of love. "Love rejoices in the truth," "sunchairei de tei aletheiai;" it sides with the truth, and rejoices when truth sanctifies the lives of Christians. (John 17:17) Truth, as well as love, is here personified and powerfully compared with unrighteousness. (2 Thes. 2:12) Instead of finding pleasure in compiling and gloating over a person's faults, the loving Christian rejoices in their spiritual victories and attainments, and will do all they can to promote further spiritual well-being. It may be difficult to rejoice in truth when it shows us our deficiencies, but it is essential if we are to make spiritual progress. (John 8:32; 7:17; 14:21; 2 Tim. 3:8) Bob Utley: No es habitual que el t�rmino "injusticia" se contraste con la "verdad." Probablemente "maldad" se oponga a "vivir bien", y la "verdad" se refiera al mensaje del evangelio. Marvin R. Vincent: Rejoiceth in the truth (sugcairei te aletheia). Rev., correctly, rejoiceth with. Truth is personified as love is. Compare Psalm 85:10. John Wesley, Notes: But rejoiceth in the truth--Bringing forth its proper fruit, holiness of heart and life. Good in general is its glory and joy, wherever diffused in all the world. John Wesley, Sermon 22: But he "rejoiceth in the truth," wheresoever it is found; in "the truth which is after godliness;" bringing forth its proper fruit, holiness of heart, and holiness of conversation. He rejoices to find that even those who oppose him, whether with regard to opinions, or some points of practice, are nevertheless lovers of God, and in other respects unreprovable. He is glad to hear good of them, and to speak all he can consistently with truth and justice. Indeed, good in general is his glory and joy, wherever diffused throughout the race of mankind. As a citizen of the world, he claims a share in the happiness of all the inhabitants of it. Because he is a man, he is not unconcerned in the welfare of any man; but enjoys whatsoever brings glory to God, and promotes peace and good-will among men. |
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